Monday 5 April 2010

All work and no play...

I like to think that I am incapable of being dull, but in an effort to prove myself right (and fearless), I have done my first stranded colourwork!

This is a jumper for my little cousin Claudia. It broadly follows Elizabeth's Percentage System (EPS) from Elizabeth Zimmermann's Knitting Workshop. I used a couple of simple colour patterns from the chart on page 25 (the ones for the gauge hat in part I, lesson three), one before each round of decreases (as per the yoke sweater instructions of part II, lesson two).

I'm really impressed with the way it came out. As you can see in this picture, my stranding isn't perfect, and it puckers a bit. But it's my first try, and I made it in a day, so I'm not too worried.

Olivier DeMeerkat thinks it's swell, and I think Claudia will too.

Happy Mary :)