Monday 12 July 2010

AD fucking D

Last weekend I was with my family for a big party in Ireland. There were two significant birthdays and a little baby cousin. It was a lovely weekend.

In preparation for seeing my lovely little cousin (and in deference to my ongoing broodiness), I had prepared a number of little knitted items for her; a cardigan and a set of 70's style dungarees (waaaaay cuter than they sound). Whilst there she was wearing the little booties with the cute coloured ribbon that I made for her a while back.

My family now think I'm some kind of baby-wear messiah. My aunt is looking around for shops which might want to carry stuff I've designed and made, at boutique prices that are actually worth my time. I've got a spreadsheet to work out costings per item (including time) for various of my baby designs. My sister even came up with a name: Mary's little lambs.

This is a really exciting idea.

So why is it that all I've been able to think about or work on for the whole weekend is a simple raglan cardigan, in stocking stitch, for me, at a gauge of 7.5sts per inch? It's going to take forever. It's really selfish. It's not useful. It's almost anti-productive. It's so ADD.